Sunday, March 18, 2012

Christian based Government

I have some proof here that the “God given rights” is indeed “God given.”  Here an example of the Bible’s position on abortion.  This is why I am ok w/ abortion of rape or incest; the rights of the fetus, here.  Here is more info on where our rights come from.  This was kinda obvious, but I still read it.  Teaching the Bible in school, a.  Here is something about Christianity and the Death Penalty.  Here are some facts that Christianity does play positive role in our government.  It’s the failure to implement it that hurts us.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Fibonacci Faith

I’m ok.  I love the Bible Wheel cuz it supports Fibonacci faith in that it shows that this sequence even appears in God’s Holy Word.  I like this here too.  Here’s more proof of the Bible Wheel.  Here’s even more proof for the faith in the Fibonacci sequence.  I don’t exactly understand the Bible Wheel, but here’s more info on it.  I would like to also show you these websites: a, b, c, d, and e.  All of these websites from what I can tell support my beliefs.  Here's another blog I want you to look at: right hereHere is more proof on how the Fibonacci sequence proves the existence of God. 


About Me

I am a Christian!! I am also a scientist, and I find more logic in Christianity than atheism. I have only been a Christian since I was 14, when I was baptized. I pretty good at astronomy, and happen to be a big sci-fi fan. The thing I am major good at is accounting, handling other people's money. I am currently going after my CPA. And after I get that I will get an associates in astronomy. I am batmanfanforever08 on YouTube; the "audio clip" is my YouTube channel. I am on Facebook, the "my web page" is my Facebook page. These blogs will be included in the book I am writing (assuming I ever get around to finishing it): "Listening to the Nonsense" or "Tracking Planet Time for our Solar System".