Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bottle-Capped Dyson's Sphere

The dimensions of a Bottle-Capped Dyson’s Sphere are huge. It is three ships actually. First you would have an inner Dyson’s Sphere that has a diameter of 29,763 AU, then an outer Dyson’s that has a diameter of 12,759 km wider than the diameter of the inner Dyson’s Sphere. These two Dyson’s would be connected. The outer & inner Dyson’s Spheres would have a hole in them where the Bottle-Cap would fit: with a diameter of 14,878 AU. This hole would be in the north pole of the outer & inner Dyson’s Sphere. So yeah this thing would be massive. Since this would be a generational construction undertaking one would wanna build it in a different solar system than our own. That is what a Bottle-Capped Dyson’s Sphere is ok.
inner sphere29,7634,452,396,782,967.92,767,182,587,301.4
outer sphere29,7634,452,396,795,726.92,767,182,595,231.1

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About Me

I am a Christian!! I am also a scientist, and I find more logic in Christianity than atheism. I have only been a Christian since I was 14, when I was baptized. I pretty good at astronomy, and happen to be a big sci-fi fan. The thing I am major good at is accounting, handling other people's money. I am currently going after my CPA. And after I get that I will get an associates in astronomy. I am batmanfanforever08 on YouTube; the "audio clip" is my YouTube channel. I am on Facebook, the "my web page" is my Facebook page. These blogs will be included in the book I am writing (assuming I ever get around to finishing it): "Listening to the Nonsense" or "Tracking Planet Time for our Solar System".