Saturday, January 10, 2015

Dear Atheism:

I am a Christian.  This letter that I am writing may surprise you atheists because it is probably not what you are expecting.  This is a letter of apology for all the insults you guys have received at the hands of us Christians.  I am sincerely sorry that some of us Christians find it necessary to bully you atheists.  Even I myself do get frustrated with you atheists, but I always try my best to not come across as a bully.  One obvious example of these tactics is the ads currently being used by Answers in Genesis (AiG).  There’s even a blog written by a Catholic called Atheists are Idiots.  Now some of the tactics that these people use could be recycled and presented in a more pleasing manner that doesn’t come across as bullying.  I am writing this letter mostly because I know that these bullies that call themselves Christians and are just doing Christianity a disservice by being a perfect example of what not to do.  Christ wasn’t a bully so I don’t get why these stains on Christianity find it necessary to be bullies.  They apparently do, so I am writing this letter and I hope you will find it in your hearts to forgive this behavior.  I also pray that these Christians will eventually learn to stop using these tactics. 

If you wanna see the AiG ad you can look on my Twitter @batmanjeremyw, I have a link to it on there.  It shouldn’t be too hard to find it was one of more recent tweets.  I will probably make a tweet about the blog at some point in the near future on my Twitter as well.  I don’t think it is the lack thereof science in AiG and other Young-Earth Creationist (YEC) organizations that makes you atheists not like us Christians, but rather the bullying tactics these people tend to use.  We are trying to reach you atheists and make Christianity seem more appealing to you atheists.  These tactics are not accomplishing that goal, but rather fueling your hatred of us Christians.  I will not go into how there is science in Reasons to Believe (RTB), God and Science, and other Old-Earth Creationist (OEC) organizations, because that deserves another letter all its own.  Also I really don’t feel like writing that letter at this moment.  These bullying tactics that these stains on Christianity have decided to use do not reflect how Christ told us Christians to act and I am sincerely sorry that these Christians find it necessary to use these kinds of tactics.  I have yet to examine the blog Atheists are Idiots in its entirety, but I don’t have to already see the bullying tactics at work.  I am sorry that these kinds of tactics have spread so far.  I do pray that those Christians will stop this kind of behavior, because it will never do any good. 

I pray you atheists will accept my apology on behalf of all Christianity.  I pray that you atheists like the fact that at least one of us Christians found it in his heart to humble himself and do what Christ would want him to do.  This is all I find myself able to say.  I wasn’t expecting me to able to say this much, but I think this amount of words will get my current point across.  So that is all for now, I may think of more latter.  I often forget things and people will often give me new material in the future.  I pray that I am proven wrong on this notion. 

Sincerely yours,


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About Me

I am a Christian!! I am also a scientist, and I find more logic in Christianity than atheism. I have only been a Christian since I was 14, when I was baptized. I pretty good at astronomy, and happen to be a big sci-fi fan. The thing I am major good at is accounting, handling other people's money. I am currently going after my CPA. And after I get that I will get an associates in astronomy. I am batmanfanforever08 on YouTube; the "audio clip" is my YouTube channel. I am on Facebook, the "my web page" is my Facebook page. These blogs will be included in the book I am writing (assuming I ever get around to finishing it): "Listening to the Nonsense" or "Tracking Planet Time for our Solar System".